Или я целенаправленно ищу такие комменты от девушек касательно Саркисян (и Квин, пускай), или такого действительно дофига и больше?

«As a woman who has played games for the majority of her life, these 2 muppets don't represent me. The whole first world Tumblr "feminist" movement disgusts me, the whole victimhood culture which is a breeding ground for entitled special snowflake clubs disgusts me. The devide between people grows bigger and bigger. And these 2 fucking cunts are fuelling it so they can keep cashing in. Can we get some ladies to lead the women against firstworldfeminism movement? I feel we need to stand up against these pieces of shit, before the disease spreads any further. Then again, being against them as woman wil just be dismissed as "internalized mysogyny." Fucking idiots.»

Особенно в виду недавнего доклада… назовём его «Про cyber violence».